honey, everyone does.

Enis Farahaini
She's eighteen.
Future doctor to be.
Medical Student.
And Proud To Be :")

"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you cant have rainbow without a little rain."
Friday 18 June 2010
goodbye o.0 10:58

All About Me Quote Pictures, Images and Photos
it's hard to say goodbye,
goodbye to home sweet home,
goodbye to beloved family + friends,
hard to say goodbye to merbok,
and hello besut. ;D
although it's hard to say goodbye,
but i must keep moving forward,
no matter what happen..
just going through..
keep in mind,
straight A+'s for SPM..
focus in my study,
doesn't matter which mrsm.,
where it is..,
it will be the same,
maybe..,hope so. ;D
so,that's all for my last post..
until school holidays will be back again!
can't wait..! haha.
till next time guys. =]


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Thursday 17 June 2010
oh gosh! 06:57

gonna back to hostel soon,
still dont get the result,
love to sleep,
busy pack my things!
that's all for today.

love you! ;D


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Wednesday 16 June 2010
toyol makcik toyol ;D 00:28
tears Pictures, Images and Photos hari ini..sekali lagi ak d malu kan.. mengapa ak sering d malu kan? ak cukup benci + menyampah sangat bile ak d malu kan. sape yg nak d malu kan? cam muka nie mmg tahap bengang abeh ah. tapi ape yg ak boley bt? xde pape. just pejam mata nie rapat2 dan xnak tgop muke yg malu kan ak tu. bajet ah. cam ah bgos sgt. da la bt keje kasar2. ak bayar ko la wey..,xreti nak bt leklok ke? Shit.

ak ape lagi..blk uma just duk lam bilik.. keje bodo jah kn? da nak bt camne..ak nak jerit2,kn ad yg lemah jantung.. so nangis jah la care nya nak bt hati nie ckup lega walaupun parut tu masih kekal. wey,makcik toyol.. ko ckp senang ah.. cam sume slh ak eyh? ko taw ke kesah sbrnye? ko pham ke? law kene kat ko,ko nak bt? mmg la ko xbnyk mse..sbb tu jah fokus ko.. law ak nie..,mne sempat. bengong tol. badak ko jah ikot cakap. ak cukup benciiiiiii! nak nasehat pon,xyah ah nak malu kan org.. cakap btol3,xley ke? toyol.

dan mereka begitu suka memandang rendah pada ak. taw la ak tyme skola rendah dlu men2..,jhat.. p tuh ak dlu taw. so..,tolong ah. ubah pandangan korang. jgn igt keburukan seseorg tuh akn kekal. manusia bisa berubah,keyh? mmg la ke arah baek / bruk.. tapi ak rse ak da brubah cukup ke arah hampir maksima kebaikan.. namun,mengapa korang masih nak tgop yg bruk jah? mata tu xreti nak tgop yg baek ke? asyik pandai nak tgop kburukan org jah keje nye. xsakit / letiy ke mate tuh? bosaaaaaan!!! ak sungguh bosaan dgn org cam nie. rse cam nak lempang2 jah. haha.

korang tgop ah. terlalu memandang rendah pade ak,eyh? fine..kite tgop siapa yg akn berjaye. ak akn kalah kn korang sume. biar terduduk cam monyet tgop ak ke mercu kejayaan. tyme tu baru korang taw betape tinggi rendah nye langit. lantak la btol ke x pribahasa ak nie. haha. memang! ak nak bukti kan kat korang sume yg ak bukan nye lemah + org bodo. soo..,just wait and see. insyaAllah,i will do my best.. nak biar korang tercengang. so,jgn igt org cam ak nie xley nak berjaye k.,d sebab kn kesilapan ak yg dlu.. ak pon xtaw la nape ak ley men2 dlu.. maybe tyme tu otak ak nie xbtol skit. tapi..,ak da brubah. so,better watch out!

mood dah jdi maiin baek nie.. lega drpd nangis + luahan kat blog nie. ksian blog nie jd tempat ak luahan ak. tapi..tu lah guna haha. plus,bru gayut ngan shah gle.. haha.. gle ah dye tu. p seronok ad kwn cam dye. sempo9i abeh. cehh..,bangge ekg shah oh. haha. shah,igt deh.. jupe mesir..same2 bt medic.. ko bt pakar jntung..ak pakar bius.. insyaAllah. ;D oo..result,ak lom dpt lgi. ntah ble nak smpai. shah kte dye punye result da smpai. ak punye ble? adooii..rungsing. tapi.. sabar la.. t dpt la tu.. kite kne sabar. haha. law x smpai gak..xpe2.. ad la care2 len. haha.

ookk..nak g mkn nie. mood ak da kembali normal. lantak la dgn kes ak d malu kan. bkn nye lps nie ak jupe makcik toyol tu dah. lps nie,maybe jupe pon ble ak da bsar kot. tyme tuh ak nak tunjuk kat dye yg ak telah berjaye. yah! nak tunjuk kat makcik tuh suh jgn pandang rendah kat org. bkn kat makcik tuh jah,kat korang pon sama gak. ok la. mak pnggil oh. kate nya lapar usda. ak pon sebrena nya ngah kebulur gak eh. ;D hehe. lps mkn,nak kemas beg lak nak p blk hostel.. shah,p kemas beg nuu.. cuti nak abeh da.. haha. semangat shah! da dpt blk ganu kn. haha. XD ok,till,next tyme.


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Tuesday 15 June 2010
make it right by joe jonas 07:33
Joe Pictures, Images and Photos

you say you'll know when you find the one,
but it's hard to tell with the damage that's been done,
but id like to say it's your fault,
but i know better,
cause i'm a fool to think you'll wait around forever.

maybe i could have love you,
maybe i could have shown,
that i still care about you,
more than you could know,
don't say it's to late to try,
to make it right.


simple song.. simple lyric.. simple words.. describe how i feel..


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silence.. 06:49
hari nie ak moody.. dari pagi hingga la ptg xd. ak pon xtaw nape. tapi yg ak rse bt skunk nie bt kn ak sgt terbeban.. beban yg ak xtaw nak selesai kn camne. dan ak rse ak amat la benci pde diri sndri. useless,eyh? emm..the truth..sape yg xkn jeles dgn dye kn? dye cukup sempurna..kehadiran nye sentiasa d nnt kan teman2 ku yg len.. kerna diri nya cukup sempurna.. siapa lah ak kalau nak d banding kan dgn dia. dgn kehadiran pada hari itu..ak terus tenggelam.. walaupun ak cuba.. cuba utk berkelakuan sopan.. namun diri nie sentiasa d pandang serong.. apakah salah ku? mengapa mereka tidak bisa melayani ku sebagaimana mereka melayani c dye.. apakah ak d mata mereka? ak cukup kecewa.. kecewa kerna mereka? tidaakk.. kecewa dgn diri ak sendiri.. ak xtaw camne nak ilang kan perasaan nie.. ak ckup cdeyh + sunyi.. tiada siapa yg mengerti.. dan tiada tempat utk ak mengadu.. i'm all alone..

pada ketika ini..ape yg mampu ak laku kan? berkurung dlm bilik? yea..ak suke berkurung sehingge kn mak ak risau tgop keadaan ak yg xnormal nie. namun,ak memerlukan mse sendirian.. sendirian..,tiada siapa yg mengerti erti kesunyian kecuali bgi mereka yg telah melalui nya. ak? bagaimana dgn ak? adakah ak melalui nya? ya,suda. cukup perit. sehingge tidak terucap dgn kata2. hanya parut yg tggal dlm diri sendiri yg xmampu d erti kan oleh org lain yg hanya mampu melihat.. tetapi tidak merasai nya. namun..,ak masih ad sahabat yg sentiasa dgn ak.. xkira ketika ak gembira mahupun dlm duka.. "BOOKS"=friend that'll never betray you + be always by your side.. ;D i dont care what people will say.. i'm the bookworm? so what? at least..i have true friend..BOOKs.. although people think i'm insane.. nop! for's better to have BOOKs as friend otherwise i will be lonely forever.. beacause i'm not like "YOU"..

lonely Pictures, Images and Photos


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Thursday 10 June 2010
homework..working on.. 23:34
gosh! a lot of homework to do! hehe. mom still keep "" asking me to finish my homework.. and i said "alright cool..i need some rest..,then i'll finish my jobs k.." but she keep asking me to do my homework.. oh gosh! soo..,i'm working on.. haha. i have finished chemistry. haha.

nowdays..i'm thinking about something..something that i cant write or describe..actually i still dont know why i have to think about it. it just..speechless! its really freaking me out cause thats matter always in my mind. i tell myself "stop thinking about it..doesn't matter.,not important for now.." but another time.. "yes!it's important! maybe not now..,but my future it is..,right?" then,i keep thats matter in my mind. well.,i cant write it in this blog...,it just complicated.. haha. stop talking about this nonsense!

i'm waiting my niece + nephew come home toninght.. bit ecxited.. (: long time no see them.. they are in gred 3,i think.. time really flies! yup,time really flies! i'm 16 this year? gosh! i'm old,growing up..,should be matured,right? haha. well,i dont want all that for now. just wanna living my life to be kanak2 ribena..but what i'll be just a monsterr!! raagghhhhhh!! no focus in nerd student..not mingle,just love to be alone.. thats why i think i'm a monsterr..sometimes,people afraid of me.. what? that just the way i could be focus on my study.. but terrible things happen. they should not judge someone ig they do not about someone,right? useless,i told people to not do it..but i'm still judging them.. what wrong with him/her? why he/she act like stupid? i hate too..but it just come in my mind. i have judge people without knowing their truth behave right? soo..,i'm just the same. lolz..keep saying to them..but i still keep doing that things.. nothing,but useless!

about him...hp off! too sick to care about it. well,i will text..text..and texting..homework..?no done! haha. just let it off..,i guess.. well,in my life..not just about him i have to focus.. but he will be the one i should care..and bla bla.. haha. sometimes,this make me thinking..why i did this? why? how about the past? how it will be the same..happened just like what happened to me? i promise myself,not to do this again,right? soo..,why i have did this again.. because i wanna someone love me to be myside..,care about me.. but it'll be last? last forever? cause i'm not by his side anymore..there's miles between us.. very far apart.. hmm..,jerk things! make me sick! dont wanna think about it. haha. well,i never let you go..,cause you're mine.. (:

love Pictures, Images and Photos


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Monday 7 June 2010
apa tajuk? 05:39



emm...da lame ak x mengupdate kn blog nie. ye ah,camne nak update? ak kn da duk kat hostel skunk a.k.a penjare.. tapi..penjare yg penuh suka duka yg banyak memberi kenangan yg terindah dalam hidup nie yg x mampu ak capai jika ak hanya la seorang pelajar kementerian.. namun,ini bermakna bukan lah ak memperlekehkan pelajar kementerian. bagi ak,di mane2 je kita tuntut ilmu..,same jah. yg membezakan adalah usha kita untuk menuntut ilmu. mase begitu pantas berlalu..,walaupun pada mula nya ak menganggap hidup ak d mrsm merbok umpama pisau yg merobek hati ku.. betape pedih + perit ak lalui kerna ak sukar menerima keadaan yg ak xterpakse melepaskn sahabat2 yg begitu akrab dgn ku d skola sery. tapi..baru ak sedar..seberna nya hidup ini bukan lah tuk suatu kelompok yg kecil..we need to keep moving forward to find the meaningfull moment in our we? sometimes,i am thinking..why i dont feel like this for the beginning? mengapa kita selalu harus lepas kn setelah kita menyanyangi nya? MRSM MERBOK..sesuatu yg sungguh bermakne dlm hidup ak. memberi bnyk kenangan yg cukup indah..sangat indah. hingga membuat diri ini sedih untuk melepas kan nya.

4 IBN NAFIZ..dont know why..but i love this class more than 4 SAINS HAYAT kot.. haha. cool2,geng2 sery. haha. ye la,camne ak xsyg..hampir lbey drpd separuh hari ak dduk kat kls,men2..,mkn..kdg2 tito.. haha. syuk,ak still igt ak tertito mse bt physics ai tuh.. haha. thanks abeh kejut kan ak. haha. ak pon xtaw la camne ak ley tertito mse bt physics..maybe bt soklan, kn ak sakit aty..ak pon tito..haha. selamba badak jah. p yg plg best..duk sesorang study lam kls ah. law ad geng2 best gak..p fokus susa ah skit..bsing..haha. dak2 nafiz kn dak2 rebina..terutama yana + marlia. haha. p korang best xde korang..kompem sunyi..haha. NAFIZ the BEST! haha. oo..kat ungku..,xyah la nak jeles kat kls bajjah. mmg la dye org cool jah..p xkurang ngan kls kite kn? (:

[sorg kwn badar kite..seorg yg rajin study..siyes,mmg rajin abeh! haha. teros kn usha syuib! ak sokong kau. (: ]
[siyes,tinggi gile mamat nie. sume org ckp ko nie macho ke? haha. bley la. tapi,ko mmg baek. seronok kwn ngan ko. ]
[perghh..nie ah clone satria. haha. sebijik la gak. jol,xley da la nop tgop keserius hang study lps nie. haha. ko pon ak tgop rjin study..geng duk lam kls eh. haha. (: ]
[senang cter..ko sempoi abeh! haha. ]
[mamat encem ah lam kls tu bak kate ckgu rozaidi.. haha. pape,ko cool. ]
[kate nak blanje ak mkn? xblanje2 pon.. haha. ]
[pres homeroom yg the best ah. mmg kwn yg baek gle,siyes,xtpu. haha. seorg yg btanggujwb. sgt baek..,seronok kwn ngan ko. (: ]
[tinggi mamat nie. pndai men gitar! big applause! haha. ]
[ok,seronok knal ko. ]
[mamat yg duk tepi tingkap eh. haha. skali tgop,cam brangan pon ad. haha. ko sempoi gle. haha. ]
[pa'an,jln betol2 ley? haha.]
[no komen]
[fuhh..bersemangat tinggi! caya ah. tabik spring tuk naim. haha. ]
[mamat yg paling nerd ak pernah jumpa dlm hidup nie. haha. p ok la dpt kwn ko..]
[ abeh! pling friendly ahh. hahaha. (: ]

[aleem..mak aih,minah nie pndai physics..perghh,tabiik kat ko! haha. ]
[skali tgop cam agnes monika..2 kali tgop cam org korea..cun abeh! haha. ]
[ok..baek,cume xbnyk sgt ckp ngan ak..xtaw la. maybe ye takot ngan ak kot. haha.]
[suke ko punye rambut! unik! haha.]
[ok,seronok dpt knal.]
[dak rebina..kdg2 kelakar gak tgop ko marlia,cam dak sewel hah..p siyes,sronok ad kwn cam ko. haha. ]
[dibah,rhsie ttp rhsie eh walau ak xde da kat merbok..haha. Mr.D? XD ]
[dak genius..tgop selamba badak jah study nye..p bjak..jeles abeh kat ko. haha. ]
[gle2. slalu bt gle2. pening ak tgop ko ika oiit! haha. ]
[monsterrrrrrrrrr! haha. XD ]
[siyes ckp,ko mmg kwn yg sgt baek kat sne..syg abeh kat ko. thanks sbb care psl ak. syg ko! (: ]
[xley da nop tgop pipi tembam ko. haha.]
[gle3..ajol ckp,ko bkn pompuan..haha. ak pon xpham ape mkne nye..haha. ]

tu la skit sebanyak tntg KAMI 4 IBN NAFIZ.. haha. banyak g nak cter eh.. sal dak kls bajjah,kn syuk,shah kn? hahaha. anyway.. t la ak smbung cter sal dye org. tangan nie bgitu mls nak menaip. sbb ak nak mkn! lapaq abeh. haha. perghhh.. ak xstudy g physics..sok da la ad kls physics..mak aih..malas menguasai diri ku. haha. yay! sok ad camp kat uma ckgu nisah. nak enjoy abeh coz lps ai tu kne fokus abeh blaja. jnji da kat mummy! heh! k..till next time dos! haha. (;


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Saturday 5 June 2010
stay away! 08:22
haha. blog nie akn d update soon!


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