honey, everyone does.

Enis Farahaini
She's eighteen.
Future doctor to be.
Medical Student.
And Proud To Be :")

"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you cant have rainbow without a little rain."
Sunday 21 November 2010
physic oh physic. 00:02

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kenape physic? sape yg cipte physic nie?
mne datang? mne mereka dpt idea tentang physic?
mne ye nmpk physic? dalam kehidupan kite?
mane? mane? mane?
sob3. cdey gle ak bab physic, bkn ak xske,
just ble bab physic, i totally lost, nervous cam bangang je.
ntah pape la. tetibe jdi gabra je. sob3.
da la tuisyen, oke la. p yg xbesh nye,nape ak jupe ngan org yg paliiinngg ak xnak jupe dlm dunie nie. sob3. bkn ak gado pon ngan ye.
cume ble ad dye, ak rase tercabar. ak rase ak nie d tertawekan dye.
dye umpama memperlekehkan kebolehan ak. argghhh!
asal tuisyen je, ad dye. knape? knape?
da la physic xd.., i made a lot of mistakes!!!
sob3. my spirit just gone sommewhere else when it come to me for physic.
not i hate it, i love it, but they said, physic just application in our lifes, so it'll be easy?
EASY? dude, i cant application it in my life , it's sooo whatever!
and suddenly, ak takut cam nak mati nie bab result final ak,
ak rse ak bole la jwb, tapi ak takot. stress ak kembali.
good. soooo good. sob3.
tommorrow, continue with addmath class in the morning, it's oke.
addmath still oke for me. loveee it soo musch.
but! there are a lot of homework nedd to be done immediately.
kyaaaaaa!!! insyaAllah, i'll try my best.
insyaAllah i'll try to complete it.
gosh, homework bio ak baru chapter 4, xpe, pelan2.
cool. jgn stress, buat slow2, biar pham btol3.
then, physic class in the evening. chapter 2, good!
so goood, ak nie da la xbape nak ingat mne nie. nape la xajar heat ke? force and pressure ke? light ke? wave ke? radiation ke? ekehh, mende tu ak da oke la, baek le blaja yg xbrape nak oke. enis2, pikirrr panjang!
but the worst part is i have to see UMI again, kyaaa!!!
xmau. xmau. xmau. but i have too. =(
ok guys, till next time. need to go to complete my homework. =]
i mean loooooooooooot of homework need to be done immediately in this week.


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